So anyway, inspired by one of my favorite bloggers and people, Andrea Scher, I'm going to do some gratitude journaling and accountability here. I walked through a very low-frequency moment for more than a week recently. Whatever was the cause, I felt as if I had to pick myself up by my bootstraps and apply some discipline to look at things in a sunny manner. Attitude is a habit. Even with all the shitty things that happen here on Earth (by those outta control big-headed hairless monkeys), it will always be a miraculous place to exist. And I endeavor to see my life for the miracle that it is, every. frickin. day.
not hard to see the miracle here. baby steps, right? ;-) photo by Remy.. or was it Darek??
I wrote in my journal that disciplined morning a few days ago about how I would fill the page with gratitudes, even when I was seeing the world through half-empty glasses. ;-) I did an oracle reading for the first time for myself on New Year's (as a part of my Create your Goddess Year workbook), and on the new moon of each month, I read the card that I drew for myself for that month. This month, on the day that I chose to look on the bright side even though my lip was still dragging in the mud, I read my card from the Sacred Path Cards: Number One: Peace Pipe. What the card said to me was that I am responsible for the vibration I put out ~ even through my thoughts. That everything in my life ripples out to touch every being with whom I'm connected ~ the whole web. So I need to come to terms with the fact that I came into this world at this time, and accept my purpose. I need to come to balance and peace inside myself so that I can fully own the vibe I transmit at all times. To me this doesn't mean denying my feelings, but simply realizing that I'm in charge of the way I choose to Be in this life, and owning it.
So this is a step in that owning and responsibility.
I guess the soundtrack to this (as is my soundtrack for everything these days ~ Medicine for the People)'s "Manifesto" refrain: "Don't waste your hate. Rather, gather and create. Be of service. Be a sensible person. Use your words and don't be nervous. You can do this; you've got purpose. Find your medicine and use it."
Today I'm grateful for this medicine that I know is mine ~ the written (typed) word. May it be useful to Mama Earth and her inhabitants.
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