Tuesday, January 13, 2009


our 2008 closed with Christmas in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, North Carolina, with all of Sealion's family (who are very easy to be around), both of my parents plus their spouses (my parents haven't talked in years, let alone been at the same dinner table)(this was not my idea), and to top off the ironic week, a visit from my ex-husband's wife and their baby (with whom we are great friends, but on the surface, with all this put together ~ can you say Valium?)! it actually turned out beautifully. it amazes me how having my own child takes the parental pressure 100% off of my shoulders. i am merely the lap on which my baby sits (or rather, the breast on which my baby suckles). as much as i stressed over this familial visit for months beforehand, i actually am hugely grateful to my husband, who wanted so bad for it to happen. i had a great time (sans Valium. or even secretly spiking my cider). and so did Anjali. (and Sealion always has a great time.)

this group looks pretty harmless, i must admit. 
(don't know why this is blue and underlined)
the meeting of the cosmic cousins.

the future.

and now for 2009.

(might i add, i had an extremely frustrating time with Blogger on this post.)


josh said...

ex-husband says-"next year i'll bring my parents too!"

ecogyrl said...

hooray for updates!

your xmas sounds like mine used to be:
mom & step-dad
dad, step-mom, and step-sister
brother and brother's dad.
me & uncle dave
all sleeping in the same house xmas eve in anticipation of the next morning.
this year:
mom and mom's bfriend
brother and brother's gfriend
me and the hubster
brother's dad

the step-dad is remarried so i guess i now have a step-step-mom (2 step?), but they weren't there.