gratitude in wintertime!
i wrote this a few weeks ago (being that it's now February 17), but thought it was worth publishing anyway.
today the sun, mysterious and dramatic, is peering through a veil of cloud. he might fully present himself (doubtful.. ), but i was happy to catch this slight glimpse. for the past few days, we've had a gully-washer here in Berkeley. gusty winds that shake the fir trees, and lakes where usually there are walkways. this morning i went outside to find the wind had swept the sidewalks completely dry, leaving shocked worms stranded. the break is nice. but i have been grateful for the rain. we need it. in our busy gotta-get-there-now lives, we don't have time for inconvenient weather. this summer i talked to a woman who had just moved to Portland, Oregon. i told her that i think Portland is such a cool city, but i couldn't ever live there because of the rain. what she said made me think: "Californians with their constant sun-worship are much too Yang ~ always energetic going and doing. they are out of balance. rain gives you a chance to curl up and get in touch with your cool, damp places." living in Kentucky, i was so familiar with cool and especially damp. my spirit needed airing out and warming. but the places i have grown to love in California have rainy seasons. i have realized i have something to learn in the gray soupy clouds. this past week mr. Sealion was off work, and i had a busy daily schedule. so every night he made a fire, and we cozied up with the cats and did indoor-things. we read, or just hung out, drank warm beverages, and more than once dozed, books slouching to our laps, way before bedtime. this is the best of wintertime! so for the past few days i have been happy with the rain. i have prayed that it is slow and steady enough for the soil and the plants that they drink it up and get filled. i can't say how i'll feel about the weather next week. but that's how it was this week. and i was glad.
this little sun sign can certainly cringe at the cold and wet (more the cold than the wet), but the lure of the sun can often impede indoor projects, too...
love and light (and dark) to you!
ps~can you tell i finally figure out my password to leave comments? i swear i've been reading~ just couldn't figure out the secret knock!
i love being reminded in new ways that the bad is actually just "not good"...and therefore it's not bad. and actually, hey, what do you know, it's good too!
In Southern Cal, it seems that most people who are actually "Californian" welcome and appreciate the grey, wet, chilly weather. It is those of us that existed in cold, wet, damp climates (hoping to survive another winter) (who are not finished sunning and drying out) who tend to miss the glorious sun when it is not shining. I think all welcome the water for our earth. (i've never seen it so green here.....actual green hillsides!)
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