Saturday, April 16, 2011

Growing: Planting Seeds in [this] City

The week before we left for Baja, which was the last week of February, Papi Sealion and Anjali got out all the extra plant pots, cleaned them, and filled them with potting soil. He had a grand fantasy of planting a garden for our back deck (in an otherwise tiny, lifeless rental backyard) that would sprout to life in the Spring rain while we were gone. Totally focused on Baja, and quite disillusioned with this house here in Sacramento, I couldn't see his vision.
As I get back in the swing of living here in the city as Spring springs upon us, I must get my fingers in the dirt. And Anjali must have growing things close by to nibble at and tend. Even if it's not even close to the lush, well-loved garden we had in Berkeley, a pot of lettuce is a pot of lettuce. So yesterday we got out the coffee tins stuffed with seed packets past, seed packets duplicate (from those ambitious Springtime planting frenzies), and seeds saved, and we made a beginning on our city deck.
Even if it's only one planting season we spend here, growing some food and creating some beauty is always worth it.

so many seeds
pokesprinkling aboutpat pat


  1. Anjali is just so delicious, tending to her garden. So serious and focused. I love it.

    Despite a historically brown thumb, I am also attempting to grow things, now that I finally have an outdoor space to call my own. I fantasize often about having a garden one day, but for now, a balcony is pretty exciting. If only Stella could tolerate getting her hands dirty! ;-)

  2. Balcony gardening is awesome, Randi! Congratulations.

    Yeah ~ Anjali likes dirt, but she's not so keen on bugs these days. ;-)
