Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Oh, Burning Man!

Ahh, Burning Man. After what seemed like so long away, this last week felt like a Home-Coming. I went to the desert to contact my heart and Black Rock City met me there. I gave myself fully to the playa and it returned the gift tenfold.
The theme being Rites of Passage, and the event not only sold out but in fact over-sold(!Oops!!), the energy of the population felt extra-energetic (if that is possible), full of gratitude, exuberant and intentional. The city was alive and full-blast before Monday even started, playa friendliness in the traffic in Tahoe.
Sealion and I, individually and collectively, experienced the most easy-going, laid-back, non-anxious or angsty Burn we've ever had. It was All Good. Having our super-stellar Burning Nanny, Ivy, there offering even more help than we wanted was a blessing. But then, so was having Anjali there. When she and I ventered out together I felt as if I were escorting the pope (haha!! Great pun, eh?) because of the blessings she bestowed on so many grateful folks. Having the relationship that we do, I still didn't stay out all night as I have in years past, but neither did I want to [zzzz!!]; She provided a welcome tether and snuggly haven from the frenetic nighttime drive to go go go! With full nights' sleep I was able to devote myself clearly and mindfully to the cool watercolor sunrise and daytime interactions that Feed me so much more nowadays than late-latenight dancing to music that really doesn't jiggle my wiggle for the most part.
I did some real work in the self-reflection department. I met issues head-on (and I hope to have the time to share more with you here soon). I explored and examined the rooms and spaces of my mind amd heart, scrubbed out some dusty cobwebs, found and swept clutter that is not serving me. That magic I lost? It was inside my heart all along. I just needed a good strong mirror to help me see it and re-member how to use it. I re-discovered (uncovered) sensuality and sexuality, desire and creativity. I let my heart crack open for the first time in a long while and let the love flow freely. All of this going on on the inside while connecting deeply with kindred spirits - good old friends and even a few new ones. Beauty. Expression. Sunrise and sunset. Crisp night air and penetrating sun. Freedom. Positive intentions and connecting vibes. Healing movement and energy. Art.
I went in deep for full immersion and the city fed me like an abundant mama's overflowing round breast.

Re-entry into the outside world has usually been hard for me. I Burned so bright and crashed so hard. But this year somehow feels different. I feel like instead of flying too high and then not knowing how to land, my toes just rooted deeper into the Earth to become even more solidly grounded. The wings that once carried me precariously have become strong and supple branches.

Just the pilgrimage I needed for changes at hand. Rite. Of Passage [yes, you may go]. I am grate-full.

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