Tuesday, January 10, 2006


[written december 30, 2005]
that one jane's addiction song--is it called "home"? he at least says "home." i love that song.

finally felt right to return to LA. not sure if i'll be performing with Lucent Dossier, but feel really good about attending and supporting my family in their endeavor regardless.

rode the train from sac, leaving at 6:35 am. got to see the countryside with sunrise. fog, low and clingy, hovering just above soupy bogs. then through miles and miles of vineyards, and the backsides of industrial parks.

the evolution: of dreading even visiting LA, to missing it deeply for the loved ones who give it (and me) life. as i reunited with the backed-up streets, dirty sidewalks, homeless folks asking for change, endless vietnamese diners and laundromats, i breathed a sigh of relief and had to laugh at myself. if i can learn to love LA, anyone can. or maybe--anyone can change if they open their mind a smidgeon.

when i walked through the door at abundant sugar, beau d. (my sweetest sweetness), gave me a long and tender hug and breathed in my ear, "welcome home."
thank you.

sunrise seen from the southbound
my happy-blue travel bag avec balloon [at abundant sugar. composition, photo (and ribbon curling) by tomas verde himself]

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