Tuesday, December 13, 2005


" Thank you for your email to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The Governor appreciates hearing from concerned and involved Californians, as well as from individuals all over the world who have an interest in California.

Governor Schwarzenegger is committed to restoring your confidence in state government. As the Governor has said, with hard work and your help, California will once again be the "Golden Dream by the Sea".

Due to the unprecedented number of emails sent to the Governor, there may be a delay in immediately responding to your email. Please know that the Governor's office is making every effort to respond to your inquiry and will ensure that your voice is heard by the Governor.

To help us respond to you, please include your email address when you communicate with the Governor's Office. Please note that we are unable to accept e-mail attachments because of the risk of Internet viruses. We ask that you please send your attachments via traditional mail to:

Office of the Governor
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814

For more information about Governor Schwarzenegger and the State of California, please visit the California website at www.ca.gov.

Again, thank you for your email. Governor Schwarzenegger is proud to serve you and all Californians. "

don't know if you pay attention to Current Events, but california just executed a guy called Tookie. this guy allegedly did some really rotten stuff--like start the gang the Crips, and kill some folks. while he was imprisoned over the decades, he found Religion, educated himself, and did a whole lot of cool things trying to organize, and educate, against violence. he wrote a novel about his personal story, and wrote a bunch of children's books. i don't support the death penalty. but especially in this case, this man seemed to be a huge SUCCESS story for the penal system--reformed, rehabilitated, and productive. the state of california could have USED him in all kinds of ways to promote themselves, and to educate kids. it didn't happen that way. may he rest in peace and goodfellowship.

1 comment:

  1. amen sister.
    as a remembrance, i suggest we all listen to Spearhead's Stay Human album.
