Wednesday, December 07, 2005

breakfast recipe

now that we're coming into the cooler months, i'm wanting a yummy warm reason to get out from under the covers in the mornings! this recipe, plus that warm beverage of choice (no, not a hot toddy!), does the job most days.

~~soothing rice breakfast~~
this recipe makes several filling servings for me, but probably just a couple for troyboy the hungry sealion.

most of the prep for this can be done the night before, and the only work you do is the coupla minutes for you to remember, and toss the ingredients in the pot. if you wait to do it spontaneously in the morning, it takes about 40 mins--cooking time, not prep time (maybe a few more if you're groggy!).

1 cup brown basmati rice
1 apple chopped into pieces, don't bother skinning
a handful of nuts or seeds
1 1/2 cups water
throw these in a pot with a lid.
bring to a boil. then stir once, and turn down the heat to a simmer. simmer for 10 minutes, then let sit--without removing the lid or stirring--for 15.
this makes the apple nice and soft, and sweetens the rice, too.

at meal time:
take out a portion of the rice and apples, and put into a skillet with:
a drizzle of water
a drizzle of your favorite milk (i'm into almond these days), enough to make is soupy--like oatmeal, the soupiness is up to you.
a tablespoon of your favorite nut butter (again--almond!)
a dash of cinnamon
salt, to taste
bring to a simmer, stirring to keep it off the sides, let simmer till just a tad before the perfect consistency--it will thicken up as it cools. this takes only a coupla minutes. then serve it up in a bowl! or, brer and i call it "timming it" when you eat a hot meal straight out of the pot--over the sink.
this recipe uses no sugars, other than what's in the apple. the whole grain rice keeps all the good-for-you nutrients and fiber, plus flavor and chew.
it's tasty, hearty, and satisfying.
i encourage you to experiment with the grains and additions that you like. one idea: for something sweet and special to soothe the soul--how bout chopping up a banana instead of the apple, and adding a little bit o' chocolate? (i think i'll try that right now.. . )
here's to a cozy winter season surrounded by those you love.

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